How Fast Can You Overcome the Next Big Disruption?
Whether triggered by strikes, fires, or transportation bottlenecks, supply chain shocks continue to constrain businesses, leading to escalating costs, revenue losses, and missed opportunities. Just last year, aerospace and defense (A&D) manufacturers alone bore a staggering $65 million in average losses due to these disruptions.
Outdated strategies no longer suffice in a volatile and interconnected landscape. Winning the war on risk mandates proactive and continuous threat identification, anticipation, and swift response. Alarming as it is, over 90% of A&D manufacturers remain oblivious to multi-tier disruptions for up to 48 hours, putting their operations, and those of their customers, at risk.
Explore how Interos can move you ahead multi-tier disruptions in our short tutorial. Be part of the 10% who are well-informed and create valuable time to mitigate repercussions.
Embrace Resilience by Design™ to navigate risk, streamline operations, and gain a competitive edge.
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