Insight Center

China Concerns and Global Supply Chains

The Lab is monitoring and analyzing supply chain impacts and issues related to growing concerns over trade with China. See below for updated reports on subjects connected to China’s supply chain including semiconductors, the potential conflict in Taiwan, economic decoupling/reshoring, and more.

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Our Research

At, we are working closely with our partners and customers at the U.S. Department of Defense and other foreign ministries around the world to offer technical assistance and in-kind support. We are conducting on going research and share this intelligence in the spirit of doing what we can to be part of the solution during this difficult and perilous time.

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Supply Chain Implications


Semiconductor Manufacturing Crisis

Electronics, automotives, and many other industries rely heavily on Taiwan-made semiconductors, whose future is uncertain


Decoupling and Reshoring

As the U.S. advocates for reduced reliance on China, supply chains shift – introducing new potential risks


Geopolitical Instability

After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, fears over the destabilizing effect of Chinese military action against Taiwan rise


Ongoing COVID Lockdowns

China’s Zero-COVID strategy continues to shut down major manufacturing hubs Can Help

Supply chain and information security leaders should review their dependence on Chinese and Taiwanese suppliers at multiple tiers. This is a key first step in assessing risk exposure in the region and ensuring operational resilience.


Avoid Restricted Entities

  • Identify SDN suppliers operating in sanctioned or restricted countries throughout not only your immediate supply chain, but the supply chains of your vendors.

Continuously Monitor Suppliers

  • Restricted and prohibited entity lists are being updated daily. With, you can identify newly restricted vendors dynamically.

Quickly Evaluate New Vendors

  • Bring on new partners confidently and quickly. Evaluate new vendors and their suppliers across multiple risk factors.

Identify Cyber Vulnerabilities

  • Gain a complete view of your software supply chain and manage or avoid risk in potential operational disruptions. Solutions

The Technology Powering our Research

The Knowledge Graph (IKG) is the world’s largest business relationship graph repository. Leveraging machine learning and natural language processing, the IKG analyses big data to discover suppliers and their supplier networks across the globe, mapping out business relationships across entire ecosystems, and continuously assessing vendors against multiple risk types.

why intros graphic why intros graphic

The Knowledge Graph discovers millions of global entities

Inferring trillions of business relationships between the entities

Continuously monitoring the changing ecosystem for restricted and prohibited entities

Ensure Operational Resilience

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Continuously monitor your extended supply chain so you can identify vulnerability and manage the risk before your organization feels the impact from:

  • Prohibited and restricted entries - countries, companies, people
  • Cyberbreaches or compromised products
  • compliance with trade prohibitions and restrictions